Thursday, June 19, 2008

Where Is My Soul?

I cannot tell you how many nights I lay half-asleep... that realm where you Want to go to sleep, but just can't... So, as I lay there, I imagine myself in a 'safe place'...I imagine myself in a hiding place, where I can just get some peace of mind. And I say my prayers, but I don't think that's too effective in a direct sense... But in those long nights and extreme dreams, I was awake about 4 AM and all I could ask myself was, 'where is your soul?' where is it located? is it in the middle of your brain? in your chest? it spread out everywhere? where do you feel it the most? Lying in bed in the middle of the night, I had no immediate answer, but memories of childhood... happiness... being carefee as a child came to mind...the back seat of the car all to myself, while my parents rode in front and did all the thinking and worrying, so that train of thought ended and I'll try and do that again... Maybe the soul has no real physical location, but exists in memories such as that one, or exists in every visceral experience, like in everything we do and see, like leaves on a tree, we all see each other and wave and acknowlege each other.
I tried to pinpoint the location of my soul, but realized there is no real location, it flows all around.