Still Walkin'
About two years ago, I started a blog called 'I Went For a Walk', which
was to chronicle the events when I sold my house. As Blogger changed formats, I've
had a hard time logging on to my old blog...hopefully soon I can get back on, sometimes
I come close...
Anyway, where to begin?!?....well I'm still on that raft, treading water...I
live from day to day, never allowing myself to dwell on the seriousness of the situation,
just happy to still be here, with a roof over my head, food to eat...but lately
I've been realizing that this no way to go through life....with an elephant
in the room.
I got a 'survival job' at a grocery store, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone,
it's hard work and the pay is low, but in a certain way it has breathed a bit
of life into what was an otherwise stagnant existence...I've never been what
you'd call a 'people person', pretty much an introvert, but I've
always had good social skills...that is, I can converse with a certain wit and banter
with just about anyone, some more that others, but I just don't Thrive off of
it like extroverts can. I admire and envy extroverts, I wish I could be one, but
it's not in my makeup or personality or DNA or whatever...Anyway, as hard as
it sometimes is, I think there is some good in my doing this, because I get out
there, WAY out of my comfort zone and face the public each day. At first it was
hard, but it gets I mentioned before, some people I can instantly
connect let me use this as a first step, as a positive thing.
I've always used the 'Raft on an Ocean' metaphor to describe my
enhance the metaphor, I can say that this ocean I'm in, is an ocean of denial.
Did I ever really need to be in a raft at all?
Well what's done is done...I dare not look back and think of what might have
been, if I did that, I would surely be a bitter person who looked at life darkly,
full of regret...I won't go there, nuh-uh...
I can only go from here, and thank God for the good things I do dear mother,
my dear friends, and everyone else in what has been a sweet life overall.
was to chronicle the events when I sold my house. As Blogger changed formats, I've
had a hard time logging on to my old blog...hopefully soon I can get back on, sometimes
I come close...
Anyway, where to begin?!?....well I'm still on that raft, treading water...I
live from day to day, never allowing myself to dwell on the seriousness of the situation,
just happy to still be here, with a roof over my head, food to eat...but lately
I've been realizing that this no way to go through life....with an elephant
in the room.
I got a 'survival job' at a grocery store, which I wouldn't recommend to anyone,
it's hard work and the pay is low, but in a certain way it has breathed a bit
of life into what was an otherwise stagnant existence...I've never been what
you'd call a 'people person', pretty much an introvert, but I've
always had good social skills...that is, I can converse with a certain wit and banter
with just about anyone, some more that others, but I just don't Thrive off of
it like extroverts can. I admire and envy extroverts, I wish I could be one, but
it's not in my makeup or personality or DNA or whatever...Anyway, as hard as
it sometimes is, I think there is some good in my doing this, because I get out
there, WAY out of my comfort zone and face the public each day. At first it was
hard, but it gets I mentioned before, some people I can instantly
connect let me use this as a first step, as a positive thing.
I've always used the 'Raft on an Ocean' metaphor to describe my
enhance the metaphor, I can say that this ocean I'm in, is an ocean of denial.
Did I ever really need to be in a raft at all?
Well what's done is done...I dare not look back and think of what might have
been, if I did that, I would surely be a bitter person who looked at life darkly,
full of regret...I won't go there, nuh-uh...
I can only go from here, and thank God for the good things I do dear mother,
my dear friends, and everyone else in what has been a sweet life overall.
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