Friday, April 28, 2006

Illustration Friday: Under the Sea

Originally uploaded by Olias444.
Under the sea, there may be places that used to be above the sea.
It's their world now.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Illustration Friday: Robot

Originally uploaded by Olias444.
"Danger, Will Robinson!" This is a sketch of my all-time favorite robot, from the Lost in Space tv show. I found it interesting that 'Robby' the robot from Forbidden Planet was designed by the same guy.

I Have a Record Player

I bought a turntable, or rather an old-style Record Player a couple years ago, so that I might play these tons of old LP records I still have, with a ton of songs from the past that still echo in my mind...
I thumbed through the stack of these old LP albums and I played some of them on the turntable....ohhh the nostalgia! there's certain songs, and certain albums in this endless stack of old records that can only take me back to my youth! Oy!!
ahhh the 70's....
Anyway.....well during the rediscovering of this treasure trove of LP music, and a certain personal history of the albums I bought, and the music I listened to at that particular time, and these records, and these songs, they're like a time capsule now...
As for the songs themselves...I think that'll be another post...BUT!
There is the entire ritual of actually handling an LP have to handle it by the edges...and then when you put it on the turntable, you have to make sure if you're playing the song you want, get it on the groove that you can see between each song on the record...use the the cue arm to do it...unless you have a steady hand, and can put that tone arm down on the right song....
I guess that's old school now....I miss it!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Illustration Friday: Spotted

Originally uploaded by Olias444.
Target spotted! This is from the game Destroyer Commander. The ship parts were modeled, but the background is photoshop. It's always fun to combine the two.