Thursday, September 15, 2005

To see your own shadow

Today I was walking along, and noticed my shadow on the sidewalk, most prominently the shadow of my own head, or should I shadow of my head was a bulbous mass that instantly reminded me of the character Fredo, from the movie "The Godfather".
It was at that time that I realized, okay! Time for a haircut!
No, I may be many things, but I ain't no Fredo...
In 1970 I used to admire the shadow my head cast when walking home from school, it resembled Little Joe from the Bonanza TV series. Although it was just a tv show, at least the shadow of my head looked like his at the time.
I have looked at my shadow on the sidewalk all my life...mostly my head shadow. Sometimes I would admire the mane that I had, even way back in high school, during the 'Welcome Back Cotter' years on TV in the 70's, I would try to emulate the John Travolta hairstyle...But that was way back then... when I had a full head of hair to play with.
But what it always comes down to is the shadow on the sidewalk, or when you see yourself in a sidewalk window...Vanity? Perhaps...but all I know is, when I saw my shadow god, time for a haircut.


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