Sunday, September 04, 2005

I Ain't No Saint

No one would have believed this utter destruction...a major American City destroyed, and literally millions displaced, wandering, hungry, thirsty, with nowhere to go, except for the vague directions that would leave them into further oblivion.
Who could have believed this? one of the most historic and flamboyant cities in the United States.....New Orleans, Louisiana.
It is truly heartbreaking to see what has happened there, an entire city , literally drowned.
This has happened before....
In 1900, Galveston, Texas was wiped out, but we weren't there then, but we are here now....
Today, we do what we can, or we do what we WANT to do...we want to help as much as we can, of course, as long as it's in our comfort zone. I even volunteered with the Red Cross, with the actual thought of going over there to help, until it seemed too 'hard' to do...therefore my comfort zone was breached. "Why would you want to do this?"
'Well, just something to brag about I guess'...
But this doesn't mean I won't give!...I just feel a bit guilty about not going. Sure there are needy right here in our own back yards, but they're not as 'glamourous' as disaster victims, and therein lies the vanity of some of our charity.
I ain't no Saint. No, not at all. I turned away at the serious hardship. And I do feel
I had a chance to go over there and help. Clean up, help with the food and all, but no....
I'm selfish..... forgive me, but I ain't no Saint.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ARE a saint. Many wouldn't have even gone the extra mile of volunteering with the Red Cross!! Please don't feel guilty. Feel proud of yourself that you actually thought of going.. and then were honest enough with yourself to decide it wasn't best for you to go. We all have our limitations. I'm proud of you for making a decision that is right for you -- and, in turn, was right for the Red Cross.

8:44 PM  

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