Thursday, August 04, 2005

My Grandma

Today I was reminded of my ol' grandma...and all the stories about her. Let me say that I loved her very much, because she loved us, with much affection. During her funeral, my cousin referred to her "endless refrigerator"...that is, whoever showed up at her door would get fed, that's what she did. She was a good soul.
She was born in 1903, and married very young, and had four kids, the youngest was a girl, who was my mother.
Grandma married a very tall and forceful man, who owned his own automotive business, and then in the 20's and 30's they had children.
They were Arthur, Robert, Carmen, and Sally.
Arthur, or "Uncle Toody" as we called him as kids, was a veteran of WWII. He flew B-17 missions over Germany and dropped bombs and came back in one piece, but also with a certain hardness in his character that they all seemed to notice, and later seem to explain why he never visited that much.
Robert "Uncle Bob" he was my favorite uncle ever, he was a sensitive boy who loved to read. He was too young for the war, and he caught hell from his dad for that, but I think he was the most brilliant of the bunch, he became an engineer at our generation it was his kids that have had cousins Bobby and Suzie....
Aunt Carmen, she is the one who has her father in her...a dominant presence...
And then my mom, she was the baby of the family...she just went along with it...I love her the most, not just because she's my own mom, but because she has the most kindest and gentleness among all of them.
But during all these things, we are a very close family, and through it all, it was our Matriarch, who we always called "Grama"...
Sure, she didn't understand things like flying in a plane, she looked out the window and thought another plane on the same glide path was standing still in midair! She just didn't "get" those kind of things. But she sure got other things, like in her 'endless refrigerator' and her unconditional love for her family.
She was old other words, very naive....but she had a heart of Gold.
It was at Grama's house that we would gather for Thanksgiving, Christmas, at her wonderful house, with a ton of food.
Grama's house was a wonderful place.


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