Friday, November 24, 2006

Make sure to practice

In an earlier blog, I lamented about what it would be like to play a musical instrument wonderfully and easily, as though the notes flowed through as a natural thing, well that's just wishful thinking, though I still do believe it just comes naturally for some people.
Anyway, in any discipline it takes work, and practice. I remember a quote by Rick Wakeman, "If you think this looks easy, it's not...if anyone wants to play an instrument, you must practice, practice, practice. I can't emphasize that enough..."
And it's true, to be good at something is one thing, but to be great at it...or at least exceptional, we must practice at it...
I am out of practice at so many things, I can't count them. Not that I was great at anything, I'm good at some, but...
I am out of practice playing the trumpet.
I am out of practice using 3D Studio Max.
I am out of practice playing golf.
I am out of practice drawing the human figure.
I am out of practice keeping in touch with distant friends.
I am out of practice letting current friends know how much I appreciete them.
I am out of practice getting on a plane and traveling.
I am out of practice ice skating.
I am out of practice feeling spiritual, *in tune with nature* and that sort of idealism.
To name a few....
But I'm very much IN practice noticing the things in which I'm out of practice, which I suppose is a good thing.
And though I'm dull at all these things, it's not to say that can't get back IN practice...just like riding a bike.


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