Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Christmas songs

As I plug through each night at Safeway, there is the nonstop music soundtrack playing over the PA, 24-7....Sometimes I wonder how often they have to replace the speakers or sound system, but on it goes....
I've asked who comes up with the playlist, because I hear the same songs in other safeway stores, the obvious answer: It comes from "corporate"...but Somebody, like an actual human being, must choose the songs, and I must commend them.
Last Monday they started playing Christmas songs, traditional carols, some old, but also new versions by artists that I had no idea even did Christmas songs. These songs cheer me up.
I've always enjoyed the Holiday season, and part of it is the music. From the traditional evocative carols like "O Holy Night" to the Gene Autry version of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (which he wrote!)'s a festive time of year.
Just about every singer of any level of fame has done a 'Christmas Album' like Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Barbra Streisand, Amy Grant, and a host of others. I also like the song that goes, "A ship came in from beyond the sea, on Christmas Day, on Christmas Day..." (I don't know the title)
My personal favorite is a most unusual duet by Bing Crosby and David Bowie singing "The Little Drummer Boy"'s very well done...
And to my surprise, all of these are on the safeway playlist.
Have a great Holiday Season everybody!


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