Wednesday, November 08, 2006

"And still, we live..."

Okay, not to bring this up again...but on July 3, 2001...when Troy announced that I had been laid off, After the proper goodbyes, after they closed their door...I vaguely heard, "And Still...We Live"
I knew precisely what he meant by that, and what that was from....the movie, "Seven Samurai"...
an excellent film...'And Still, We Live'.... was a line when everyone had died and only a few had lived from an epic battle...
He meant that whatever was left of the company, that they might survive...In spite of those who would be cast adrift... I was one...
'And Still, We Live'.....
In 1988, I found myself hanging on a window ledge, I could not believe this situation...I found myself hanging by my fingers on the ledge, and my feet way over on the fire escape.
My grip was not good....down I went.
I crashed down and the first thing I did was put my glasses on, as if nothing happened, but my left side was basically broken...
"And still, I live."
okay these are crazy stories, there are tons, but I won't delay them here....
I woke up today to an empty driveway where my car used to be, and I lament...I picked up my kitty and looked out at the truck...
"And Still, We Live..."


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