Friday, February 17, 2006

oh this Gabby

To anyone who has ever owned a cat, you'll know what I mean....I took in a cat named Gabby, and she's a good and sweet kitty, and she's got some street, but jeeeez!
Here's how a typical evening goes...she will go to the back sliding door and meow her head off, like she wants to go outside, and then when I slide it open, she sits there and then runs back inside to her dish....I replenish her dish, she doesn't eat, and runs back to the door and meows I open the door...she runs back inside to her dish and meows some more...and so and so on...ohhhh this kitty can be a pain in the butt....but when we're sleeping, her purring is a godsend....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I call that Cat Crap. The cats just fuckin with you. Its also amazing how they have a psychic sense as to where the most comfortable places to sleep are.

7:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww.. you know what they say! Cats. Ya can't live with them. You can't live without them.

wait. that's not right.

12:59 PM  

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