Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Originally uploaded by Olias444.
When I was in high school in 1976, my buddy Tom Walker said, "hey, you wanna go see Yes?" I said oh sure, yeah okay!....It was one of biggest musical experiences of my life...I had always loved to listen to pop tunes on the radio, and would buy 45 inch records. But I had never been to a real "Concert" before.
So we drove to the Cow Palace in San Francisco and I considered it an immediate education of what it's like to go to a Concert!
The line to get in was enormous, it stretched way out into the parking lot, and the Lot itself was like a festival, lots of people playing music and dancing, especially to the music of this band, Yes.
I had heard a couple of their songs before, "All Good People" and "Roundabout" on the radio, and I thought, hmm okay at least I'll know a couple of the songs.
When we entered the arena, I was amazed at the certain Renaissance, or community-like atmosphere of the audience, not rowdy rockers, no punks, nothing like that.
No, this was different...
And THEN!...and then the show started...Their music, I thought, was transcendant...this was not just simple rock and roll, or cheesy pop songs....their music moved me in an a way no other this very day.
Their music is like an orchestra, with epic arrangements, and I never tire of listening to them, note for note...
Now, I know their music is not for everybody, I used to try to get my friends to listen to Yes...some 'heard' them, but most others didn't...but that's okay.... many find them long-winded. But I find them facsinating...


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