Monday, August 07, 2006

March 1958

The 1950's have been described as almost a Golden Age in American culture. World War Two was over, soldiers came home and started families, they bought homes, they bought cars, they bought refrigerators and stoves and air-conditioners, they even bought television sets. Freeways across the country were being built. And brand new cars that were works of art, with huge fins, and brash new music was on the radio, Rock and Roll they called it, with a swivel-hip guy named Elvis Presley leading the charge...
In one home, these national trends were only in the background. One young man was trying to keep things together. After losing both his parents at the young age of 23, Daniel had become head of the household, with defiant younger siblings. He didn't think he could do it, he didn't even want to. But his uncle helped him out, gave him some money and guidance, urged him to take some classes and learn a trade, so he did.
After a few years of dating, Daniel married Sally in 1955, and she moved in to the house on Willis Street in San Jose, his parent's house. His two brothers had since moved out, but his two younger sisters still lived there. They saw no need to move out, since this was their home too after all, and, though they resented their oldest brother taking over as the head of household and always bossing them around, it became quite clear that Daniel was indeed their new 'father'...
For whatever reason, no one will know, or no one will say from that time...perhaps when Daniel's sisters started treating Sally badly, not overtly, but in small subtle ways, especially when she became pregnant, that Daniel would disown his own sisters and send them away.
On the evening of March 7th, Sally went into labor, so Dan, Joe and Carmen took her to O'Conner Hospital, where they had a new maternity ward. Dr. Dana would deliver the baby....Dan and Joe had both remarked at how stunning Dr. Dana was....she looked very glamorous, like Marilyn Monroe....but very competent indeed...
"This baby is not going to be born in the normal way"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean she'll need a Cesearian Section, and I don't think she can do this again."
So that night, Dan and Joe went out for some beers and came back to the hospital where Sally was still in labor. At about 2:30 in the morning Dan said, "you want a hamburger?"
Sally just looked at him, "whaddya kiddin me???"
The next morning, Sally had a healthy baby boy, they named him little Danny.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! keep these stories coming! Did your dad ever re-own his sisters? Or was that the last they ever saw of them?

Are you sure that Dr. Dana wasn't Marilyn? Maybe she was role-playing for an upcoming movie. Was her first name Dana or her last name?

6:30 PM  

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