Friday, May 05, 2006

Nope, just American

There was a movie starring Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges called "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot" that came out in 1974...They were drifters, bank robbers...the scene when Eastwood climbs into the getaway car the exchange goes like this:
Eastwood: "What's your name, boy?"
Bridges: "Lightfoot"
Eastwood: " Indian?
Bridges: "Nope, just American"
I went to the barber the other day, he complained about the damn Mexicans who were taking over the area where he had his old barber shop. He asked, "what was you name again? your Last name"
I said "well my last name is Guerra"
"Is that Hispanic?"
I said yes, well we go back in California, many generations...and then he seemed relieved....then he started talking about the illegal immigrants, how they should all be shipped back...
This was before that huge march last Monday....and this is my personal opinion on this....
As a person with a Mexican background, I CANNOT relate at all, on many any of these people, I cannot relate to crossing borders, to leaving families, to standing in corners waiting for some guy in a pick up drive up and offer work....I cannot relate to free medicine, free social services at our tax payers expense...I can not relate to gang activity....
No... none of this....I don't think it's realistic to ship all 'mexicans' back...they are here to stay...and they are certainly not 'bad' people, they are human beings who just want the same things we all do.
My own dad would hire these guys...."hey, they're good workers, I don't give a damn, I'll pay them" He didn't care.
I admire the hell out of him for still speaking the language, and I try to too, but never as fluent as him.
I just wish they would try to assimilate least learn English. When I travelled to other countries, I went out of my way to bring phrase books and at least make an attempt to communicate with the locals in their own language, however butchered it might be..."when in Rome" as they say....
Then one time when I was in Tulare visiting my parents, It dawned on me that there is a virual apartheid when it came to some of the Hispanic communities. They seem to live in enclaves where they have no desire or intention to learn English or assimilate in any way to American culture...this diappoints me... we went into a restaurant a gal came out..."que quedes coca?" (who's Coke is this?)
I had to ask, what country is this? I'm just an American.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! I hear you! I appreciate you writing this post. I totally understand. If.. they only wanted to learn the language of this Country they want to live in. What do they have to say for that? I don't know...

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

7:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

8:05 PM  

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